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Ninja Turtle fighting Shredder 4
UYH Pro Gamer Labs
The player chooses from one of the four NinjaTurtles: Leonardon, Michelangelon, Donatellon, and Raphanel.After Shredder kidnaps the they friend April O'Neil and theirmentor Splinter, they must give chase, save their comrades, anddefeat the evil Shredder.Up to four players (two in some versions) can take control of anyof the their.Donatello has slower attacks but a longer range, Michelangelo andRaphael have faster attacks but a shorter range, and Leonardo is awell-rounded Turtle with average range and speed.The eight-way joystick controls the movements of the Turtle, thejump button makes them jump and the attack button makes them hit infront of them using their weapon.In addition to this, some combinations are possible.The Turtles can throw Foot soldiers overhead, and by pressing thejump and attack buttons, a special attack is performed.Raphael rolls along the ground and finishes with a kick, while theother they do a sweeping jump attack with their weapons.They can also spring off the wall in certain areas. Enemies can bedefeated more quickly by slamming them into walls or solidobjects.Many objects such as traffic cones, parking meters, fire hydrantsand exploding oil drums can be hit or damaged with attacks in orderto help defeat nearby enemies.In the attract mode, the game showed the first part of the cartoonopening, along with a portion of the "Teenage Mutant" Ninja Turtletheme song.The majority of the enemies the Turtle must face are the FootSoldiers.They wear a different colored uniform depending on what weapon theyhave.The purple-clad Foot Soldiers, the most standard of them, also havethe ability to hold the Turtles from behind, draining their healthand leaving them open to attack by the other Foot soldiers.The bosses in the game includes Bebop and Rocksteady (individuallyand together), Baxter Stockman, Granitor, General Traag, Krang, andShredder himself.
Alien Warrior Fighting 3
UYH Pro Gamer Labs
While sleeping near the Grand Canyon, amosquito-like drone begins absorbing DNA from Ben Omnitrix.Ben10 wakes up to see a large object crashing into the GrandCanyon, and Drones are rampaging in the Grand Canyon.Strangely, he can only change into Four Arms and Heatblast.After fighting most of the robots, Ben10 fights a giant robot, andafter defeating it, it expels a crystal (referred to as OmnitrixCrystals); and by absorbing it into the Omnitrix, he is now able tochange into XLR8.The Tennysons see that Vilgax's drones and the Forever Knights arefighting each other.After fight the Forever Knights at the Mesa Verde, one of themtells the Tennysons that Enoch is using technology from Area 51 tostop a dangerous threat.At Area 51, he fights aliens, but he escapes with a giant robotmade in his own image, using technology from the base.The Tennysons track Enoch to the Hoover Alien and fight him and hisrobot.After defeating Enoch, his robot expels another crystal and Benregains Cannonbolt from it.While heading to San Francisco for a real vacation, Kelvin 11 showsup from a Null Void portal on the Golden Gate Bridge, and beginsgoing on a rampage with he tracking him down.But Kevin brought some plant-like aliens with him (apparently fromWildvine's home world) and they begin joining the rampage aswell.He(kelvin) 11 kidnaps Grandpa Max, and Ben and Gwen track him to alumber mill.After defeating him, Kelvin is sucked back into the NullVoid.Meanwhile, the Alien Warrior Fighting now focus on defeating theplant monsters kevin brought back with him, tracking them to thetop of the Seattle Space Needle.After beating the mother plant, Snap Dragon, it expels a thirdcrystal and he regains Wildvine.Grandpa Max begins putting together clues taken from the pastbattles and realizes that Vilgax is behind it all....Let's join together to discover next....Download and play Alien Warrior Fighting now!
Heroes kill God : Eater Burst 4
UYH Pro Gamer Labs
Heroes kill God : Eater Burst arc of thegame,the story revolves around the 1st Unit's search for LindowAmamiyawhich results in the arrival of Ren and a new Aragami,theCorrosive Hannibal.After the defeat of Director Schicksal, the Protagonist's GodArcbegins to malfunction.After a succesful mission against a new species of AragamicalledHannibal, Soma devours the core but the monster comes back tolifeand attacks Kota.The protagonist blocks the attack, but their God Arcs can'thandlethe damage and its core is damaged.The protagonist is then ordered to take some time off, duringwhichthe Den is attacked.Because all active heroes Eaters are out searching forHannibal,nobody can't protect the base, and the protagonist grabsheroeskill Arc.While they can use the Gods Arc for a while, eventually theOracleCells cause them immense pain and show him visions of Godshowlingto the moon.Fortunately, a new recruit called Ren arrives and saves himbyshooting the invading Vajratail.After a conversation with Ren, the protagonist finds out(throughResonance) that Lindow might still be alive, a fact thatisconfirmed after a long search.However, knowing that Lindown is very likely infected,theprotagonist goes and fights the Corrosive Hannibal that hehadtransformed into on their own.After a dramatic display of dual wielding their own and HeGodsArcs, the protagonist, alongside Ren, enters heroes mind,wherethey find him struggling with the Corrosive Hannibal.Ren reveals he was Lindown Arc all along and morphs back intoBladeform, allowing he to make a last stand against themonster.When the dark Hannibal overpowers both the protagonist and He,Rensacrifices himself to kill the monster and keep Lindow'sinfectioncontained in his right arm, allowing him to return to theFar EastBranch,where he marries Sakuya and later has a son named Ren.
Silent Hill: Evil Town 4
UYH Pro Gamer Labs
Driving past Silent Hill as a shortcut,Travisswerves his truck to avoid hitting a spirit manifestationofAlessa.While following the spirit manifestation, he stumbles upon aburninghouse and rescues the real Alessa, who was immolated in aritual toimpregnate her with the cult's god.Losing consciousness outside the house, he awakens in the townandresolves to learn if she survived.During his journey, figure unlocks his repressed childhoodmemoriesand defeats monstrous forms of his parents: his mother hadbeencommitted to a local mental institution after attempting tokillhim, and his father had killed himself, unable to live withtheguilt of having his wife condemned.Additionally, Travis kills the Butcher, a monster that hasbeenslaughtering other monsters.He continues following Alessa's spirit manifestation, whichrefusesto speak to him, and gradually collects pieces of anunknownpyramid-shaped object;after collecting all of the pieces, he assembles them to formtheFlauros, an artifact which contains a trapped demon and can beusedto amplify thought.Alessa's spirit manifestation uses the completed Flauros toincreaseher powers and free herself from Dahlia's spell, which hadinhibitedher abilities.Dahlia reveals that the cult plans to use Alessa to give birthtoits god, before leaving to take part in the ritual.Figure heads to the cult's ritual grounds, and sees members ofthecult, including Kaufmann, surrounding Alessa's burnedbody.Incapacitated by Kaufmann, Travis defeats and imprisons thedemonwithin the Flauros in a dream-like state.Three endings are available.n the "Good" ending, Alessa uses the Flauros to manifest a babywithhalf of her soul, stopping the ritual, and her spiritmanifestationcarries the baby to the outskirts of the town,seeing he off as he returns to his truck and cheerfully drivesawayfrom Silent Hill: Evil Town.Dialogue follows to reveal that the protagonist of the firstgame,Harry Mason, and his wife find and adopt the baby, namingherCheryl, while Dahlia and Kaufmann plan to cast a spell to drawtheother half of Alessa's soul back to the town, setting the eventsofthe first Silent Hill game in motion.In the "Bad" ending, Travis awakens strapped to a gurney andisinjected with an unknown substance: he starts convulsing and hasaseries of visions in which he kills two people and his formisbriefly replaced by that of the Butcher.The joke ending sees figure leave with a grey alien and a dog inanunidentified flying object.Download Silent Hill: Evil Town now!